We have all had the feeling before. A feeling of sadness and doubt. You’re not sure if your relationship is just in a slump, or if it’s going to be over fairly soon. What you do know is that your relationship is in trouble, and you aren’t sure if it’s real trouble, or just something that’s going to blow by. Whatever your personal case may be, there are typically a few signs that signify the end of a relationship. If your relationship has a few of the factors listed below, chances are things may be taking a turn for the worse. Let’s now begin by taking a look at a few of the main
signs your relationship may be crumbling apart.
Things can be very hectic as a single mom. Our guest blogger provides us with 5 time saving tips to help your household run smoothly and hopefully you can use that “time saved” for some YOU time!
It’s not always easy to keep up with household chores, varied schedules and all the tasks involved in running a home.
Career change success in ten easy steps? Is that really possible? Have you decided that this year you really will change career or you need to get back to work? Fantastic! You are embarking on an exciting journey, but it is one that really will be worth the time and effort you invest in it. You really do owe it to yourself to finally break out of that rubbish job that has been frustrating you. All you need is a genuine commitment to seeing this through and a simple 10 step process to follow. Believe me, you really can make the changes you want!
Relationships can be tricky to maintain especially if one party cannot figure out where the relationship is going or if it is actually going somewhere. Knowing the signs of a distressed relationship is therefore important since it can help you put measures in place to salvage it or end it and avoid protracted suffering.
Regardless of the reasons for your move, be it a new job that you had to take, family changes, or maybe a bigger home for your growing family, one thing is for certain moving is tough. There is no way to sugarcoat this fact, as the amount of work you have to do will soon prove it right.
Imagine how tough this change of life is for children. Not only because soon they will have to adapt to a new environment, but also because the very process of removals is difficult and presents many hardships. It is easy for them to have feelings of loss, anger, anxiety and confusion, because they may not even be fully aware of the situation.
Most people know, on at least a rudimentary level, how to create a budget. However, creating a budget that you can stick with over a long term is a completely different story. If you find that you have a hard time staying within a budget, the budget might be to blame. Here is a short guide to making a budget that will be easier to follow.
Going back to work after any kind of a break can be a difficult thing, regardless of the reason for the time away. There may be feelings of guilt floating around. To help keep those under control, workingmother.com suggests that you:
Most children talk very little about their parents’ divorce and their feelings about it even though they experience deep grief. Parents who would like their children to open up and talk about their feelings about the divorce can do the following things:
You created a blueprint (resume) of your solid work experience. Now you have an interview and it is time to outclass the competition. Polish up your vocalization skills, and prepare to build your foundation (interview) using good etiquette and people skills.
Protect Yourself:
When your husband wants to end your marriage, the best advice you can follow is to protect yourself. A husband who wants a divorce is typically thinking of himself and not you. It is your job to educate yourself about the divorce process in two key areas: