Family Law Archives | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women
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Do I Need a Family Lawyer? Here are 30 Reasons Why You Should Hire One.

Family lawyers specialize in family law matters. Most family law matters have to do with issues such as divorce, child custody, support, parenting time, wills, trusts, and more. We exist to help navigate family matters that cannot be handled independently in an organized manner.

Family law attorneys can help you handle all the big decisions that need to be made, protect your legal rights, while protecting your interests in court proceedings and settlement negotiations. Here are 30 reasons why you should consider hiring a family law attorney.

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David Caplan and Matthew Caplan Recognized As Top Attorneys Of North America

David Caplan and Matthew Caplan Recognized As Top Attorneys Of North America

It’s been brought to our attention that two of our attorney’s here at DAWN have been recognized by TOP ATTORNEYS OF NORTH AMERICA.  Both David Caplan and Matthew Caplan were singled out and recognized.  Narrowed down to a select few in the 2016-2017 year both of these attorneys were picked for exemplary accomplishments this year and throughout their career.  It’s just another testimonial to the expert services given at our practice.
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Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

In a landmark opinion, the United States Supreme Court ruled on June 26th that states cannot ban same-sex marriage, making the U.S. the 21st country to legalize same-sex marriage. Married same-sex couples will now enjoy the same legal rights and benefits as married heterosexual couples.  Here is an article from Huffington Post with the details about this ground breaking ruling for Americans.

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I Want to Move!

I Want to Move!

Your divorce is finally over and you’re ready to start a new life in a new town.  Pack up the kids and get outta Dodge.  Then you remember that provision in your judgment of divorce that said something about changing the legal residence of your kids.  Or maybe you went through a support or custody action years ago and don’t really remember what you’re supposed to do if you want to move.

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Child Support

What Happens if My Child’s Father Fails to Pay Child Support?

So the court orders your child’s father to make child support payments to help you out with the expenses for the kids, and you think “Great, finally a little help!”  Then your child’s father conveniently forgets to make the payments or just flat out tells you that he’s not going to pay, and you’re left bearing the burden of paying for everything yourself.

Well, don’t worry, there are things we can do to help you get your support!

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What Will the Court Consider When A Party Seeks Modifications to Parenting Time and/or Child Custody Arrangements?

What Will the Court Consider When A Party Seeks Modifications to Parenting Time and/or Child Custody Arrangements?

In family law matters, the past behavior and practices of the parties will always be examined whenever change is sought. Michigan law in this area is well established and courts are continually bombarded with parents asking for modifications to child custody or parenting time arrangements. One common mistake that many parents make, is that they assume past indiscretions or old issues can be brought up when seeking modification of prior orders. When asking the court to change an existing custody and/or parenting time arrangement, a court will only consider occurrences in the time period after the last court order was made.

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