Helping Your Child Deal With Divorce | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women
Helping Your Child Deal With Divorce

Helping Your Child Deal With Divorce

Helping your child deal with divorce and change can be quite the challenge.  First of all, there are so many unknowns in a divorce.  Second, helping prepare your child to deal with divorce isn’t as simple as it sounds in your head.   You may have worked out the details in your mind. But your child will need guidance to handle the upcoming changes.  We’ve put together some tips to make the change a little easier for you.

Helping Your Child Deal With Divorce

The ending of their parents living arrangement poses many doubts and fears for them. Here are some suggestions to help your child deal with the changes of divorce:

  • Tell your child that things will stay as similar as possible. Provide stability in the home by keeping schools, friends, family visits and routine as it has been.
  • Be honest with your child about what will change. Talk about how together you can face and cope with these new behaviors. Knowing that they can make it through a difficult transition gives them a feeling of empowerment.
  • Reassure him or her that the other parent will still love them and remain a large part of their life.
  • Discuss rules and discipline with the ex-spouse to have uniformity and consistency for the child.
  • Talking about feelings with your children. During this time you can both learn how to handle painful emotions effectively.
  • Finally, but most importantly, make your kids priority over any new relationships. Keep dates and meetings discreet at first, so your child won’t feel anxious. Emphasize that the new person in your life will not threaten your relationship with them.

Divorce is a rift, a break, an end, and a beginning. Help your child deal with the changes by realizing the huge impact it makes on his or her life.

Written by: Ruby Moseley, Rust Built, Marketing Services

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