Divorce | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women

Michigan’s Original Divorce Lawyers for Women

The relationship of husband and wife is controlled by state law. To marry, couples must obtain a license and appear before someone legally authorized to perform the marriage ceremony. To end that same marriage, one party must file a divorce action in which the court will make a ruling that the marriage is officially terminated. This occurs in the family division of the circuit court in the county where they live.

The only ground for seeking a divorce in Michigan is that the marriage has broken down to the point that parties can no longer live together as husband and wife. Since Michigan is a no-fault state, fault is not required for obtaining a divorce.

As part of dissolving the marriage, all important issues must be addressed. Those are alimony/spousal support, child custody and child support, parenting time, health care coverage, division of property and payment of attorney fees. The court’s duty in a divorce, if the parties cannot reach a settlement on their own, is to fashion a resolution that is fair to both sides considering the individual facts of their case. This is based on how they acted toward each other during the marriage; what responsibilities they each fulfilled during the marriage; what they acquired together and accomplished during the marriage; what situation will serve the best interests of the children; what will be the needs of each person going forward after the divorce. All of the final terms of the divorce will then be clearly set forth in a final document called “Judgment of Divorce.”

Why Choose DAWN as Your Divorce Attorney?

DAWN’s mission has always been to provide the highest quality representation to our clients. The attorneys at DAWN have spent nearly two decades dealing solely with women’s issues in divorce and other family law matters. We are highly sensitive to the particular needs of our female clients and the unfair economic advantage that their husband’s generally still have today. Our single concentration on divorce and other family law matters has allowed our attorneys to achieve that degree of knowledge, skill and confidence to handle any matter, regardless of how complex it may be.

Whether the dispute centers on the children, division of property or support, we are capable of handling those matters to a successful conclusion and if the matter cannot be amicably settled, we are able trial counsel. We also represent out-of-state clients in divorce matters. And are familiar with all of the judges and court personnel in the counties we serve. Oftentimes, we are asked by clients to substitute for other attorneys and repair cases that are not on track for a good conclusion.

DAWN’s family law and divorce attorneys are here to help you before, during and after your divorce proceedings.

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