Rachel Frawley, Author at DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women | Page 16 of 20
Coping with Divorce at Home & Work

Coping with Divorce at Home & Work

Life after divorce can be taxing on anyone, especially if you are unsure about how to pick up the pieces and begin a new life.

Those going through a divorce will wonder if life will ever be “normal” again. Divorce is a major cause of depression. If you are depressed at home, your depression will manifest in your job too. You have to concentrate on separating the two.

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Communication Tips for Divorced Moms

Communication Tips for Divorced Moms

Life as a divorced mom can be complex and challenging, but you can make it easier by mastering the art of powerful communication. As a divorced woman you will need to learn to hold your own in a variety of difficult conversations whether they are custody hearings, negotiating with your employer, dealing with a difficult ex, parenting your children alone, or even being in a new romantic relationship.

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Living with Divorce and Children

Living with Divorce and Children

Imagining life post-divorce is intimidating. The worry of the unknown can place a large amount of stress and fear in our hearts. The biggest worry for divorced Mothers is their children. How will they react to the divorce? Will they take sides? And eventually, how will they react to my dating again?

How do you continue living with divorce and children? Our expert guest blogger shares her advice with us about moving on as a new family unit.

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When He Wants ‘Out’ - It’s Your Chance to Shine

When He Wants ‘Out’ – It’s Your Chance to Shine

Have you, like most people, been convinced that your happiness is dependent upon the presence of someone “special” in your life? This belief is predicated on the notion that your happiness is the responsibility of the people in and the circumstances of your life. Happiness is not an event, it’s an “inside job” that requires you to have a healthy, grounded relationship with yourself.

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June 2020 Protecting Your Own Assets During a Divorce

Protecting Your Own Assets During a Divorce

Some marriages simply cannot be saved. For one reason or another, two people can’t be together as a cohesive unit. When it comes time to file for a divorce, how do you ensure that your own assets are protected from the other party? Depending on the circumstances surrounding the divorce, protecting those assets may be quite difficult. However, there are a few things you can do to make sure you’re not left on the doorstep of being destitute.

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