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Your Spouse Filed for Divorce…Now What?

Your Spouse Filed for Divorce…Now What?

Divorce is almost never easy, even when both parties agree it’s time to part ways. But what about when the request to dissolve the marriage takes one half of the couple by surprise? When one thought everything was fine and suddenly finds him/herself staring at divorce papers? What’s the best way to handle a divorce that you didn’t see coming, and certainly don’t want?

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Is Your Marriage Worth Saving?

Is Your Marriage Worth Saving?

Every relationship is different. Marriages end for different reasons. Divorces are avoided for different reasons.

So, first understanding the value of your relationship is a great first step in determining what can (or can’t) be done to save a marriage that may be headed to divorce. As today’s guest blogger and relationship author tells us, start by asking yourself if your marriage is worth saving:

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Dividing Assets During A Divorce

Dividing Assets During A Divorce

Making the decision to separate or even divorce is a tough pill to swallow. Couple in the decision to equally divide up assets and it can be quite a challenge. State laws differ so you need to understand that you are not guaranteed to get half of the marital assets in a divorce. Assets acquired by you and your spouse during marriage are considered marital property (i.e. property, retirement benefits). However, in the United States, there are two very different divorce standards, equitable distribution, and community property. Currently, there are 10 “community property” states and 41 “equitable distribution” states.

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How Co-Parenting Creates a Home

How Co-Parenting Creates a Home

Co-parenting creates a home for your children.  In fact, it creates two healthy homes for a family and for your children’s overall health. It means taking a step back from your own desires and hurts and focusing on what’s best for your kids, and co-parenting is what they need. 

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