Dealing with Divorce Archives | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women
Let Go and Embrace Change

Let Go and Embrace Change

Let go and embrace change.  It sounds so easy, but it’s not.  How many times have you been thrown a curve ball when you least expected it? Losing your job, divorce an unexpected health emergency, death of a loved one, family estrangements and more — all these can be devastating, scary and unexpected. There is an enormous adjustment to make, mainly because things are different and you are in a new situation you never experienced before. How can you find your peace so you can deal with the complexities of your new challenge?

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Your Spouse Filed for Divorce…Now What?

Your Spouse Filed for Divorce…Now What?

Divorce is almost never easy, even when both parties agree it’s time to part ways. But what about when the request to dissolve the marriage takes one half of the couple by surprise? When one thought everything was fine and suddenly finds him/herself staring at divorce papers? What’s the best way to handle a divorce that you didn’t see coming, and certainly don’t want?

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