Children and Divorce Archives | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women
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Do I Need a Family Lawyer? Here are 30 Reasons Why You Should Hire One.

Family lawyers specialize in family law matters. Most family law matters have to do with issues such as divorce, child custody, support, parenting time, wills, trusts, and more. We exist to help navigate family matters that cannot be handled independently in an organized manner.

Family law attorneys can help you handle all the big decisions that need to be made, protect your legal rights, while protecting your interests in court proceedings and settlement negotiations. Here are 30 reasons why you should consider hiring a family law attorney.

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Reactions to Divorce

Reactions to Divorce

Reactions to divorce are not always predictable.  There are so many things to consider in terms of preparing for the reactions children may have to the news of divorce in their family. Parents should be cognizant of several things, including where, when, and how to tell children the news of the parents’ divorce.

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Are YOU Your Own Top Priority During Divorce? You Should Be!

Are YOU Your Own Top Priority During Divorce? You Should Be!

When I fly and hear the safety instruction fix your own oxygen mask to your face, start breathing normally, THEN AND ONLY THEN can you turn your attention to helping others, I always think about much more than flight safety. The concept that you need to look after yourself first in times of crisis is critical for your own health and well-being. If you do not prioritize looking after yourself, you may quickly become a liability to those around you.

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Helping Your Child Deal With Divorce

Helping Your Child Deal With Divorce

Helping your child deal with divorce and change can be quite the challenge.  First of all, there are so many unknowns in a divorce.  Second, helping prepare your child to deal with divorce isn’t as simple as it sounds in your head.   You may have worked out the details in your mind. But your child will need guidance to handle the upcoming changes.  We’ve put together some tips to make the change a little easier for you.

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How to Minimize the Anxiety Your Kids Experience During Divorce

How to Minimize the Anxiety Your Kids Experience During Divorce

Going through a divorce is not easy on anyone, especially the kids. As parents, we want to help our children experience as little or no anxiety about the situation. After all it’s not their fault. published a very helpful article with some great tips for parents to use when their children experience different emotions through the divorce.

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Kids in the Middle

Kids in the Middle

“He makes me so angry”! “She is so unreasonable- no wonder we got divorced”! A good guess is that as a divorced parent you have made these statements – statements made in a tense situation involving visitation, custody or shared holidays. You divorced as a result of not being able to communicate, compromise, get along, and now, a divorce decree forces you to do all of these for your children.

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5 Big Don’ts When Telling Kids About Your Divorce

5 Big Don’ts When Telling Kids About Your Divorce

Getting ready to break the divorce news to your kids? Wondering how to approach the subject and how much to share? Concerned about how your kids will react and how to handle their questions?

Of course, you’re not alone, but that doesn’t make it feel any easier. Talking about divorce to your children is always tough. Get it wrong and you’ll face long-term consequences you may always regret.

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