Grandkids bring a unique kind of joy to life, and to be denied time with them can be heartbreaking. The State of Michigan has some protection in place for grandparents who are not being given time with their grandkids.
As today’s guest blogger reminds us – marriage is about love, but divorce is about money.
So, though you may be on an emotional roller coaster right now, it’s in your best interest to stop and think about the “business” end of divorce. See what our guest and divorce financial expert has to say about becoming more knowledgeable about your finances as you and your husband consider a divorce:
I have the distinction (not one that I aspired to!) of being one of the many divorced women of the late 70’s- the year that the divorce rate skyrocketed. I had chosen motherhood over career. What was I going to do? It was traumatic, emotionally unsettling, and financially devastating. I did not have friends nor family who shared my experience. I was at a loss as to who I could go to for help and support, and more than anything, understanding. In my social groups, I was the “only” one divorced- the “token divorcee” of the neighborhood. Due to the continuing increase in divorce, what was not available to me so many years ago, can be found now: support, resources, help.
When you’re not the one who wants the divorce, it’s very hard. If you can determine why he wants to leave, listen and find out why he’s so discouraged about the marriage, maybe you can use the guidelines below for saving your marriage.
When going through a divorce we often worry about how it’s affecting our children. How do we make this transition easier for them? What is the most important thing we want to communicate to them? Our guest blogger reminds us of the importance of communicating love to our children.
Going through a divorce is one of life’s most difficult challenges. Fortunately, there are numerous professionals who are able to help you. The important thing is to take charge of your situation and gather a qualified team of experts to advise and support you.
Your judgment of divorce has been officially signed and entered by the court. What happens next? Your judgment contains a lot of important terms that define what your rights and responsibilities are now that the divorce is final.
It’s very common in a marriage for one person to handle certain responsibilities while the other person handles others. For example, your husband may handle all of the finances and bills, while you handle managing the home and the kids. Or maybe you handle all of the bills and expenses while your husband manages the investments. If you want to get a divorce, but you’re afraid of missing out on assets simply because don’t have much information about your marital estate, don’t worry. We can get that information for you.
Your divorce is finally over and you’re ready to start a new life in a new town. Pack up the kids and get outta Dodge. Then you remember that provision in your judgment of divorce that said something about changing the legal residence of your kids. Or maybe you went through a support or custody action years ago and don’t really remember what you’re supposed to do if you want to move.
So the court orders your child’s father to make child support payments to help you out with the expenses for the kids, and you think “Great, finally a little help!” Then your child’s father conveniently forgets to make the payments or just flat out tells you that he’s not going to pay, and you’re left bearing the burden of paying for everything yourself.
Well, don’t worry, there are things we can do to help you get your support!