Communication Archives | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women
Divorce and Children: Effective Ways To Talk To Your Kids

Divorce and Children: Effective Ways To Talk To Your Kids

Divorce and children?  There are effective ways to talk to your kids.  There’s no doubt that divorce can be a life trauma for children. In most cases they are resistant, angry, fearful and anxious about how the divorce will effect them and change their lives.

For parents, it’s a time to master the art of good parent/child communication so you can reinforce and rebuild trust, security and confidence that things will be okay again – despite the changes inflicted by your divorce.

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How To Spot Signs Your Relationship Could Be in Trouble

How To Spot Signs Your Relationship Could Be in Trouble

We have all had the feeling before. A feeling of sadness and doubt. You’re not sure if your relationship is just in a slump, or if it’s going to be over fairly soon. What you do know is that your relationship is in trouble, and you aren’t sure if it’s real trouble, or just something that’s going to blow by. Whatever your personal case may be, there are typically a few signs that signify the end of a relationship. If your relationship has a few of the factors listed below, chances are things may be taking a turn for the worse. Let’s now begin by taking a look at a few of the main
signs your relationship may be crumbling apart.

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Signs your Relationship is in Trouble

Signs your Relationship is in Trouble

Relationships can be tricky to maintain especially if one party cannot figure out where the relationship is going or if it is actually going somewhere. Knowing the signs of a distressed relationship is therefore important since it can help you put measures in place to salvage it or end it and avoid protracted suffering.

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For Divorced Moms, It's All About the Kids

For Divorced Moms, It’s All About the Kids

If you’re a mom who is going through a divorce, or have gone through one – you know the strain it can place on your children, and the guilt you feel when you see them hurting.

So, we’ve asked divorce experts to give moms proactive steps that they can take to minimize the strain on the children, alleviate the guilt and stop the hurting. Read their thoughtful tips below:

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Tips for Managing Stress

Tips for Managing Stress

Managing stress takes both a mental and physical strength. As long as you live and co-exist in society you will have bills, work to maintain a career and maybe even take care of family. These things can be demanding. You must always remember no matter what comes your way, maintaining control of your life is the foundation of stress management.

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Is Your Marriage Worth Saving?

Is Your Marriage Worth Saving?

Every relationship is different. Marriages end for different reasons. Divorces are avoided for different reasons.

So, first understanding the value of your relationship is a great first step in determining what can (or can’t) be done to save a marriage that may be headed to divorce. As today’s guest blogger and relationship author tells us, start by asking yourself if your marriage is worth saving:

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