David Caplan, Author at DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women
Five Powerful Stress Reducing Tips to Help You Through Life Changes

Five Powerful Stress Reducing Tips to Help You Through Life Changes

The one constant in life is change. A change may be sudden or it may be something that you have been expecting. It can be a happy, exciting event or it can be a scary family or health emergency. Either way, it’s stressful. Your body will react to all stress in the same way.

There are some important self-care basics that you need to keep in mind to help reduce your stress and handle whatever changes life throws at you.

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Dealing With Our Emotions During a Divorce

Dealing With Our Emotions During a Divorce

Divorce can be traumatic to the strongest of people, and in many cases it doesn’t matter whether we’re the one leaving the marriage or the one being left; for many the end of a marriage is similar to the death of a loved one. And in a way it is – it’s the death of a relationship in which we placed hopes and dreams and to which we looked to fulfill wants and needs.

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Divorce Mediation

Divorce Mediation

Very few divorce cases actually go to trial.  Trial imposes great emotional cost (airing dirty laundry in public; giving your life decisions to someone else) as well as financial cost (attorney preparation and trial presentation, subpoena costs, expert witness fees, etc.).  Most cases are settled and of those, most settlements occur as a result of mediation, a method of alternative dispute resolution.  Mediation in divorce cases is provided for under the court rules and is a cost-effective way to resolve a case.  However, each side must be prepared to compromise.

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Can I Make My Husband Pay for My Divorce?

Can I Make My Husband Pay for My Divorce?

In a manner of speaking, yes, but it is rare to find an attorney who will accept the responsibility of a case without any retainer unless there is a large marital estate and/or substantial income earned by the other spouse.  Whether or not ones entire fee will be paid is unknown until the end of the case.

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