Back to School Preparation Tip List | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women

Back to School Preparation Tip List

I know, I know, summer isn’t over yet! The sound of splashing in the pool is proof of that. But it’s not too early to think ahead to prepare yourself and your children, especially school-age children, for the transition. Whether we want to admit it or not—it’s right around the corner.

The adjustment from summer to the start of school can be invigorating or horrifying, depending on the child. As a parent, you can be supportive by getting organized ahead of time, which will eliminate some of the nerves that will inevitably occur.

Here is a list of tips for back to school preparation:

Visit the Doctor

Be sure your child is physically and emotionally ready by visiting the doctor early and addressing any health or emotional concerns. By the time school begins, they may be resolved, leaving one less challenge to face.

Decrease Electronics

Encourage your child to turn off the tv or computer, and read or play puzzles and games. Television is a passive activity and games and reading will prepare your child for learning.

Reestablish Sleep Patterns

Reestablish sleep and morning wake-up times at least one week before classes start. Begin waking late sleepers earlier as the first day of school approaches.

Start Scheduling

Get the school calendar as early as you can, and fill out your own with important dates.

Get Organized

Create a launch pad where books, purses and backpacks will be left, for the morning dash out the door. Designate a homework center, with a special drawer, cabinet or bin nearby for pencils, dictionary, and other study needs. Set aside notebooks or storage bins for completed lessons and artwork.

Prepare for Back to School Shopping

Clean out drawers and closets for worn and out-grown clothes. Make a list of basic replacements before going out to shop.

Freeze Your Dinners

Make ahead and freeze a few dinners, for the hectic first few nights after the start of school.

The possibilities that lie in the new school year can be more encouraging when children feel prepared. This type of parental support demonstrates your love, and can add to his/her confidence and positivity for the beginning of a new school year.

Written by: Ruby Moseley, Rust Built, Marketing Services

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