5 Secrets to Conquering Crisis | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women
5 Secrets to Conquering Crisis

5 Secrets to Conquering Crisis

Learning how to adopt a healthy mental attitude in the face of life’s inevitable life transitions can mean the difference between despair and determination.

All of us, no matter how blessed and lucky we may be, have experienced trauma, loss, and adversity. Divorce and remarriage, a frightening illness, financial insecurity. How we cope with divorce and remarriage, however, determines whether we become overwhelmed, depressed, or ill – or if we emerge stronger, with greater confidence and wisdom.

Fight Key Life Transitions With These 5 Secrets:

  1. Acknowledge Your Feelings – Don’t beat yourself up or try to jolly yourself out of it: Losing something you cherish hurts, period. Whether it’s your home, your marriage, your job, or a loved one, it’s healthy and natural to suffer. To heal from trauma, you must allow yourself to accept, experience, and express your emotions. Once you do, you can begin to mobilize your energy and redirect it toward what’s important to you.
  2. Erase All Blame – How could this happen to me? What did I do to deserve this? When you experience a loss, injury, or infidelity, it’s normal to ask yourself these questions. How you answer them figures powerfully in whether you bounce back quickly or stay paralyzed in trauma’s grip. In your emotional life, however, assigning blame usually results in a lingering grudge that just prolongs misery.
  3. Draw A Circle of Support – Numerous studies have demonstrated the power of social support to help people get through crises and maintain health. Women are generally much better than men at reaching out to others during times of trouble.
  4. Look For Ways To Find Meaning – When faced with a crisis, resilient people ask the forward-thinking question, “What now?” They look within for answers to put their lives back together and, in doing so, open themselves up to the possibility of living a richer, more meaningful life. There are a number of ways you can use adversity to add purpose.
  5. Believe That You Can Bounce Back – One of the most crucial aspects of resilience is faith in your own ability to cope. This doesn’t mean you’ll always triumph over whatever problem you face.

You can beat the effects of life transitions and soar to new heights! Life transitions can be the turning point for a new productive life.

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Rachel Frawley

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