Get Outside Yourself to Survive Divorce | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women
Get Outside Yourself to Survive Divorce

Get Outside Yourself to Survive Divorce

It is easy to dwell on all the changes you’re going through during the process of divorce.  From relief to frustration, and hope to despair, just about every feeling in the book will overwhelm you at one point or another.  We asked our experts how do women survive the roller coaster of divorce?  The answer might surprise you!

The Focus Right Now is Not on You

There is really only one way to set aside the feelings of failure, stress and inadequacy during and after divorce. Get outside yourself and do something to help the other people in your life who are suffering.

The best thing you can do right now for yourself is eat right, exercise and get enough sleep so you have enough energy to deal with everything you are facing. Aside from that, stop thinking about your problems.

It’s simply amazing how putting yourself out there to help others during your own time of crisis begins the healing process. You’ll feel better, look better and be back to yourself in no time!

Written by: Janeen Diamond and Tia Sorensen, Expert Consultants, Save Your Marriage in 30

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