How to Love Your Children More than You Dislike Your Ex | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women
How to Love Your Children More than You Dislike Your Ex

How to Love Your Children More than You Dislike Your Ex

Learn how to protect and encourage your children when going through a divorce. Use this opportunity to teach them lessons about forgiveness and love. As hard as that might sound, it is possible to do if using the right attitude and perspective.

For the Love of the Children

Find something you admire about your ex. Remind yourself that he has redeeming qualities (you fell in love with him, didn’t you?) and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of your current situation. Remember that what you do to him you do to your children. After all, they still love and need their father.

Allow your children free and easy access to their father regardless of what the divorce decree says. This will help alleviate some of the anxiety of no longer living together and allow them to develop a strong loving relationship with him. Include him in as many “kid related” family events as possible (birthdays, sporting events, etc.)

Teach them that life doesn’t always work out the way we want but it can still be wonderful. We are tougher than our situation. Find the blessings in the pain, put your faith in God knowing He will guide us through this difficult circumstance. We are survivors and life is not ruined because tragedy hits us. And finally, teach them to forgive those who betray and hurt them. It will serve them well in all areas of life.

Love your children more than you dislike your ex.

Written By: Janet Pfeiffer, Pres., CEO, Pfeiffer Power Seminars, LLC

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