Separation Archives | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women
Are YOU Your Own Top Priority During Divorce? You Should Be!

Are YOU Your Own Top Priority During Divorce? You Should Be!

When I fly and hear the safety instruction fix your own oxygen mask to your face, start breathing normally, THEN AND ONLY THEN can you turn your attention to helping others, I always think about much more than flight safety. The concept that you need to look after yourself first in times of crisis is critical for your own health and well-being. If you do not prioritize looking after yourself, you may quickly become a liability to those around you.

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Dividing Assets During A Divorce

Dividing Assets During A Divorce

Making the decision to separate or even divorce is a tough pill to swallow. Couple in the decision to equally divide up assets and it can be quite a challenge. State laws differ so you need to understand that you are not guaranteed to get half of the marital assets in a divorce. Assets acquired by you and your spouse during marriage are considered marital property (i.e. property, retirement benefits). However, in the United States, there are two very different divorce standards, equitable distribution, and community property. Currently, there are 10 “community property” states and 41 “equitable distribution” states.

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