Most people have heard at least something about the Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act (“PPACA” or “ACA”), commonly referred to as Obamacare, but aren’t really too sure what exactly it is.
Grandkids bring a unique kind of joy to life, and to be denied time with them can be heartbreaking. The State of Michigan has some protection in place for grandparents who are not being given time with their grandkids.
Your judgment of divorce has been officially signed and entered by the court. What happens next? Your judgment contains a lot of important terms that define what your rights and responsibilities are now that the divorce is final.
So the court orders your child’s father to make child support payments to help you out with the expenses for the kids, and you think “Great, finally a little help!” Then your child’s father conveniently forgets to make the payments or just flat out tells you that he’s not going to pay, and you’re left bearing the burden of paying for everything yourself.
Well, don’t worry, there are things we can do to help you get your support!