DAWN Donates To Detroit Dog Rescue | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women

DAWN Donates To Detroit Dog Rescue

We made a donation to Detroit Dog Rescue today.  It’s a great charity for animals in need.  This is what they had to say.  Please visit their Facebook and donate as well!

“A big thank you to D.A.W.N in Bingham Farms, MI for your generous contribution to Detroit Dog Rescue!

D.A.W.N- Divorce Attorneys For Women focuses on protecting women’s rights in times of need and they’re huge dog lovers too! You can learn more about them at WomensRights.com

Making a tax-deductible gift to Detroit Dog Rescue is a great way to give back at the end of the year. Need ideas to get your office involved? We can help! Giving trees, Jeans Day, and raffling prime parking spaces, are all ways firms have rallied together for DDR. Need more information on charitable giving? Email us anytime at KristinaDDR@gmail.com”

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