How To Deal With Divorce In The New Year | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women
How To Deal With Divorce In The New Year

How To Deal With Divorce In The New Year

Adjusting to a new year is compounded by the stress of finding a new life after divorce. You can make the transition more positive by implementing New Year resolutions as a way to overcome the upheaval of your former life.

Here are 5 resolutions to use to create a “new you”:

1) N: Number your strengths. Regain confidence by listing your positive traits. Focus on your achievements. Don’t minimize the strengths that have gotten you this far.

2) E: Encircle yourself with supportive people. Those who think you are an amazing person are the people you want to spend time with. Stop hanging around with “dream zappers”.

3) W: Watch for negative thoughts. Stop beating yourself up. Get help if you’re depressed. Find a counselor to work through the grief.

4) Y: Yes to You! Make a plan to do what you’ve always dreamed of doing. Set realistic goals and make a time line of how you can achieve them.

5) O: Opportunity. See this major change in your life as an opportunity to grow. You’re not just a “divorcee”, but someone with value who’s learning how to cope with life’s biggest challenges.

6) U: Unlearn old habits. Recognize and stop self-sabotage. Replace passivity by knowing what you want. Banish complaining by being grateful. Learn how to be more assertive. Find ways to be more positive. Smile.
Divorce is a death, there’s no arguing this fact. It’s a death to a relationship, pets, family, routines, and sometimes, even, the sense of who you are. But with time, it all gets better. Make the choice to look on the bright side and enable yourself to become a “New You” in the New Year.

Written by: Ruby Mosely, Rust Built, Marketing Services

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