How to Create Your New Family Dynamic | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women
How to Create Your New Family Dynamic

How to Create Your New Family Dynamic

One of the first things we often dwell on when we are faced with divorce are all the things we won’t be able to do as a family anymore.  We remember camping trips, sports practices and games or visits with family and friends.  But, we can focus our attention on the more positive angle.  As a newly divorced Mother, you are given an opportunity to recreate and reconnect within the parameters of your new family dynamic.

Learn how to create new connections and joyful occasions from our expert guest blogger and president of Peaceful Parenting Inc., Nancy Buck.

How to Create a Connected Recreated Family

Sometimes it feels like there is a hole in the family. Where is the missing parent? Here’s how to fix this new problem. Plan a trip, vacation or some kind of holiday experience different from anything you have done as a family before. Creating this new experience helps everyone create a new picture of the newly configured family. Have fun and bond with the new number and new members of the new family.

Can’t afford the expense of a trip, vacation or holiday? Then take shorter outings together doing something you have never done before to places you have never been before. Don’t include any extra people, just the newly “reduced” family. You are creating a bond and connection with your newly recreated family through shared and joyful experiences together.

Written by: Nancy S Buck, PhD, Founder and President, Peaceful Parenting Inc.

What is the next adventure you can plan to create memories within your new family dynamic?

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