Deciding Your Path, Fight or Flight? | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women
Deciding Your Path, Fight or Flight?

Deciding Your Path, Fight or Flight?

Struggling to find the right answers in a marriage that is faltering is a terrible feeling. Questions flood our minds like, “how long are we supposed to try?” or “what if nothing ever changes, will it be this way forever?”

If you’re spinning around the two-sided coin of fight or flight, remember the following advice from our expert guest blogger:

It Takes Two

When deciding whether or not to “fight” for your marriage, you need to assess what you are fighting for and if you are in it together or if you are fighting on your own. Sometimes loving couples encounter obstacles that just can’t be overcome. Sometimes, with the support of friends, family, and professionals (like therapists), the relationship can survive and even thrive. The one thing that that is certain is that if you are the only one in the ring fighting for your marriage, it is probably time to get out.

Written by: Erika Myers, LPC, Therapist

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