How to Put Your Children First During Divorce | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women
How to Put Your Children First During Divorce

How to Put Your Children First During Divorce

We have all heard about the difficulty children experience when they have parents who are going through a divorce.  As moms, it becomes our top priority to protect our children and nurture them through this difficult time.  Our expert guest blogger shares her tips to putting our children first when going through a divorce.

Children First

Parents need to consider the wants and needs of their children. Divorce or separation is hard on everyone. It can be similar to a death in the family depending on where each parent will reside after the divorce. If one parent moves out of state, the children may feel abandoned.

Reassure your children that you BOTH will be there for them no matter what and that the love you have for them will never change. Be present at every function and show your support continually.

Do not try and bring a new person into their lives as they need time to recover. When you are ready to introduce someone new, please know that it may take as long as two years for the children to accept the new person.

Written by: Michele Sfakianos, RN, BSN – Author, Open Pages Publishing, LLC


About the Author:

Michele Sfakianos is a Registered Nurse, Award-winning Author, Speaker and Leading Authority on Parenting.

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