Without Storms, We Would Never See Rainbows | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women

Without Storms, We Would Never See Rainbows

Divorce is the storm that creeps in, and blows your life into a thousand pieces. But there is a blessing here, you still have your life. Your heart may be broken; and your life is turned upside down. But start counting your blessings one by one, surround yourself with people you love to spend time with. Stop the pity party; if you don’t wake up, life will pass you by. You have to STAND up, and get back into the game of life.

First, commit to yourself that you will choose your friends wisely, and not just jump into another relationship. Take time to heal your heart, and do something special for yourself. Try a fun hobby; who knows, it could become the next big idea.

Second, don’t look back; don’t waste another minute. Dry your tears and throw away the fears. Once you are through this storm, your rainbow’s are going to shine.

Third, if you have children; spend quality time with them. Show them how much you love them by doing things together.

The storm of divorce will consume years of your life if you are not focused on what is really important. Remember that this storm has also harmed your children. Stop talking about the past; move into your tomorrow; it’s only a sunrise away. Don’t miss it!

Written By: PH Jones, author of “When The Breakup Has No Makeup; It’s Time To Wake Up!”

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