Unhappy Archives | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women
Unhappy Together

Unhappy Together

“We’re staying together until the kids are out of the house.” It’s the excuse many struggling couples make as to why they stay together in the face of relationship disaster. The sentiment behind the statement is admirable: “We will forge through this adversity so that our children will have a stable and strong home life.”

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When It's Time to Close the Account

When It’s Time to Close the Account

A marriage is like an investment. You have to look at short-term and well as long-term returns. You need to sacrifice a little early on, so you have something down the road to live off of. Maintaining good credit, diversifying and assessing risks are crucial for success in both. But, just like in finance, there may be a time in a marriage to cut your losses and move on. How do you know?

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