What Questions Should I Ask an Attorney Before Retaining Their Services? | DAWN - Michigan's Original Divorce Attorneys for Women

While this is not an all encompassing list, it will provide a starting point for you to evaluate one divorce attorney to another.

  1. How much does the attorney charge for his/her services?
  2. Does the attorney send out detailed monthly bills showing time and charges?
  3. Does the attorney require a non-refundable retainer to start representation?
  4. Does the attorney require clients to enter into a written agreement for representation?
  5. Has the attorney handled matters similar to yours?
  6. What percentage of the attorney’s practice involves handling divorce and other family law matters?
  7. Does the attorney practice regularly in the county where your case will be filed?
  8. Does the attorney have trial experience and in what types of matters?
  9. Will the attorney promise a certain outcome? (If so, head out the door.)